Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cruz, Sanders and Americans Agree: Government Not Working

The results of Monday night's Iowa caucuses have brought the very conservative Sen. Ted Cruz and the very liberal Sen. Bernie Sanders more directly into the media spotlight. These two senators are not only from the opposite sides of the aisle but also from the opposite ends of the ideological spectrum -- and couldn't be more different in many ways. But they very much share one common belief: Congress is broken because it does not operate with the best interests of the people in mind.

Both Cruz and Sanders have the same explanation for the out-of-control Congress. Elected representatives -- Cruz and Sanders themselves excluded, of course -- are beholden to party loyalty or to party bosses or to rich, moneyed interests or to big business or to rich people, and this forces these representatives to compromise and abandon true principles and to override the true wishes of the people.

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