Friday, May 13, 2016


Elizabeth Warren is making headlines with her war of words against Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton is begining to lose against Trump in the polls.

Bernie Sanders polls much better than Hillary when matched against Trump

The ideal Democratic ticket? Slam Dunk!  Sanders-Warren 2016


 But not everyone is certain that Warren would work as vice president or that she actually wants the job. The aforementioned close confidant interpreted the anti-Trump tweetstorm as more about Warren “showing other Democrats that this is the way to go after Trump, than about positioning herself as a VP candidate.” Others, meanwhile, see a clear reason why she would take the post if offered.

Some who have tangled with Warren in the past suggest that she’s a capable political talent but not deft enough to handle the crucible of a presidential campaign. Colin Reed, who works for the Republican super PAC America Rising and previously served as a top aide to then-Sen. Scott Brown, the GOP senator whom Warren defeated in the 2012 election, claimed that she underperformed President Barack Obama in Massachusetts by 15 percentage points that year. (Note: Warren got 53.7 percent of the vote in 2012, compared to Obama’s 60.8 percent in the state, according to The New York Times, making the margin 7 percent.) Reed argued that Warren’s brand as an anti-Wall Street populist would create tensions with Clinton that both of them would want to avoid.
“Warren castigates Goldman Sachs; Clinton takes their money,” Reed said.

Eric Fehrnstrom, another former Brown adviser, had an additional theory as to why Warren was spending recent days composing anti-Trump tweets, one that suggested this was more about making amends than paving the way to the VP’s residence.

“I think she needed to do something to take the pressure off herself because of her non-endorsement in the Democratic [presidential] race,” Fehrnstrom posited. “The Hillary partisans, who are strong here in Massachusetts, have grown alienated because of her fence sitting. This was a good diversion for her. ... It spared her from answering the question of why, still at this late date, had she not endorsed Hillary Clinton.”

A year after the Colorado focus group, Hart reached out to one of the women he’d met there. Jenny Howard, a conservative Republican, had stunned him with her positive opinion of Warren, which cut against everything he knew about Howard’s politics. For all their differences, both Trump and Warren start from the belief that the system is rigged against the middle class, so Hart wanted to know if Howard had wound up in the Trump camp by the time the GOP race reached Colorado.

Not exactly. Instead, she told him, she was feeling the Bern. 

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