Wednesday, May 4, 2016


And if the Democrats are naive enough to let Bernie slip by thinking that Hillary can beat Trump, then let's prepare for a Trump Administration in January 2017.

What Establishment Republicans have already found out the hard way and Establishment Democrats are still trying to stay in denial of is that voters want a real change in politics and they are making that clear in the way they have staunchly supported both of the anti-establishment outsiders in this race: Sanders and Trump.

Given that stark reality Democrats might be wise to rethink who their nominee will be.

Bernie Sanders may have won the Indiana primary Tuesday night, but his victory is unlikely to save his political revolution. After this week, it is mathematically impossible for Sanders to reach the number of delegates necessary to win the Democratic nomination using pledged delegates alone.

This means the Vermont senator will have to rely on his strategy of winning over superdelegates — party leaders and elites who can back the candidate of their choice — who have already decided to back his rival Hillary Clinton. But Clinton has so far won 520 superdelegates to his 39, making it unlikely that he can move forward down this path.

Sanders' campaign has said he will stay in the race until the Democratic National Convention in July, and has argued that his supporters’ enthusiasm and his electability could be enough to win party leaders over to his side.

“It's virtually impossible for Secretary Clinton to reach the majority of convention delegates by June 14 with pledged delegates alone,” Sanders said Sunday, according to theWashington Post. “She will need superdelegates to take her over the top at the convention in Philadelphia. In other words, the convention will be a contested contest.”

It's true that the convention probably will be contested, but that is because Sanders will contest it.

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