Thursday, May 5, 2016


Interesting how the mainstream media news works. CNN, MSNBC, FOX will do anything to fill the 24 hr news cycle and resort to desperate, extraordinary tactics to get viewers to pay attention. One such gimmick is the "Breaking News" banner that they throw up on the screen for the most mundane and inexplicable reasons, highlighting events that are not even news worthy let alone deserve a "breaking news" slot.

What's just as interesting is when there is a news event like the one today  that doesn't even get a whisper of a mention on the internet save this piece from the LA TIMES   (Top aide to Hillary Clinton questioned by FBI in email server investigation) and that is at best a watered down version of what is going on.

Hillary continues to defend her position by saying; everyone else was doing it, so it must be OK. Sounds reasonable since there were no bans on sending and receiving emails by and between government officials using their personal email accounts.

The problem with that defense is that it's not truthful. The truth is no one was using their own "personal email accounts "  to send and receive government emails and then storing them on their own "personal server" (key word is server) which is completely separate from the government network and which Hillary had sole and exclusive access to. So, in simple terms; It's the Server Stupid! 

So, for what it's worth this is the news that broke today;

A close aide to Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton, was questioned last month by FBI agents investigating whether classified material was mishandled on the private email server used by the former secretary of State and her aides, according to a person familiar with the investigation.

Abedin was interviewed for about two hours at the FBI’s field office in Washington on April 5, according to the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Abedin is one of Clinton's longtime confidantes and the interview is the latest indication that FBI agents have completed much of their background work and are nearing a conclusion in the politically sensitive probe.

Abedin's lawyer, Karen Dunn, could not be reached for comment. Mike Kortan, a spokesman for the FBI, did not immediately return phone messages seeking comment.

Clinton said recently that the FBI has not approached her for an interview, but that she would fully cooperate if they do.

Brian Fallon, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, said she has offered to answer any FBI questions and remains confident that she and her aides acted appropriately.

"From the start, Hillary Clinton has offered to answer any questions that would help the Justice Department complete its review, and we hope and expect that anyone else who is asked would do the same," Fallon said in an email. "We are confident the review will conclude that nothing inappropriate took place."

It could not be determined if other aides have been questioned, or what was the scope of questions Abedin was asked.

Most legal experts, including a number of former federal prosecutors, believe that Clinton faces little risk of being prosecuted for using the private email system to conduct official business when she served as secretary of State.

Using a private email system was not banned at the time, her supporters note, and other senior government officials also have used personal email to transact official business.

The FBI investigation has caused Clinton considerable political pain as Republican rivals insist her use of a private email server should lead to her indictment.

In a statement, Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, accused Clinton of putting national security at risk by using the private email server.

As the Democrats glumly line up for Hillary Clinton’s belated coronation, the risk remains of potential criminal charges over her Libyan testimony or her careless emails, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern describes.

By Ray McGovern

“Some people think they can lie and get away with it,” said former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld with feigned outrage. And, of course, he has never been held accountable for his lies, proving his dictum true.

The question today is: Will former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Teflon coat be as impermeable to deep scratches as Rumsfeld’s has proven to be?

With the “mainstream media” by and large giving Hillary Clinton a pass on her past, few Americans realize how many Pinocchio faces need to be tacked onto many of her statements. Clinton is said to be “unquestionably” the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, essentially the presumptive nominee. That is unquestionably true – but only because she has not been questioned with much rigor at all. And on those few occasions when she has been asked hard questions, she has often ducked them.

For example, at the March 9 debate in Miami, Jorge Ramos, the longtime anchor for Noticiero Univision, asked Secretary Clinton whether she would quit the presidential race if she were indicted for putting classified information on her private email server.

She replied: “Oh, for goodness sake, it’s not going to happen. I’m not even answering that question.” [See’s “Is Hillary Clinton Above the Law?”]

Not so fast, Madame Secretary. It is looking more and more as if you will, after all, have to answer that question.

Read More; A Need to Clear Up Clinton Questions

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