Friday, April 15, 2016



 Sanders wins hands down for the following reasons:
Honesty - He's as sincere as a human being can get. He's extremely honest, doesn't dodge questions and doesn't lie. It's hard to not trust a guy who holds the Senate floor for straight 8 hours and 35 minutesin an effort to overturn a bill that's about giving tax breaks to filthy rich.
Consistency - He's a proven track record for being consistent. His message, for the last 3 decades, has been more or less the same. Watch some of his Senate videos and you'll see him saying the same things he's bringing up today.
Picks the Right Side - It's hard to doubt this guy's judgment. He fought for the equal rights for colored people in 60s. He stood up for LGBT rights in an era when the word "gay" was still being used for condescension. He voted against Iraq war. He voted against the bills that proved to be detrimental to American economy.
Positive Campaign - He doesn't attack his opponents. He disagrees with them on their policy but you rarely see him making a personal attack. He never runs those cringe worthy negative TV ads against competition.
Good Orator - This is something that many don't care about but it's important to come strong to get your message heard and he does that. His choice of words, his tone and his non-verbal communication (finger, hand movements) are all top drawer.
Humble Gentleman - He doesn't show pride like some people on the dark side do and he's a perfect gentleman. Even when he isn't treated fairly in presidential debates he keeps his cool and waits for his turn to speak. It much different to see how Hillary turned her own interruption into a sexism issue against Sanders.
Policy Positions - He's got something new and refreshing to offer. Americans are tired of seeing the same old same old and they want to start over.  He's the only guy who genuinely cares about   - initiatives to counter global warming. Sanders is the only one with a plan.
Gets Things Done - Media can blabber about him all they want but the thing is, he can get things done. He has proved in the past that as an independent he can play on both sides of the aisle.
Brooklyn Gangster Accent - He rocks that Brooklyn gangster accent like a champ.
Nature's Endorsement - If above reasons aren't enough, do know that mother nature has endorsed him sending a house finch to deliver that message.

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